Saturday, July 16, 2005

Getting it started

Welp, for being one of the world's most unsavvy computer users I think i've finally got this blog up and running. I only hope that it will actually work in China (that's kinda the point). I cannot possibly keep up in lengthy email contact with everyone I know while in China for the next year, so I figure everyone can come here and find out what life is throwing at me while I'm in my favorite country of the moment, China! of course.

I can't believe that I leave America in less that three weeks; it's more like 2.5 now. I've got so much to do. I am working here on BHI for another week attempting with all my strength to keep from buying clothes I don't need from the store that I work at. Basically I must stay away from the dry-clean only section and anything white, unless I plan on not wearing for my year in China. We Americans really must not take for granted the great quality of water the US has to offer......I mean for real, white clothes don't turn grey here.

Ever since graduation I have been looking forward to the beginning of July and seeing Adam. That is what got me through the lonely part of June where I was living here by myself and pretty much working all day every day. Well I can't believe that my time with Adam has come and gone. Upon his departure I analyzed the following changes: while he was here I was happier, I laughed more, I bicycled more and I most certainly became much tanner. All in all the most wonderful two weeks of the summer.

On to another random thought: I am going to miss my family gobs and gobs. We are so close and get along so well and I rely on them for advice all the time. In Shenzhen, I am going to have to rely on myself.

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